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Keynote 5 | Professor Roger Strasser | Dean & CEO, Northern Ontario School of Medicine | Supporting Rural Generalist Medicine in Healthcare Systems : Why and How?

Saturday, October 21, 2017
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Grand 1-4


Agenda Item Image
Professor Roger Strasser
Dean and CEO
Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Keynote 5 : Supporting Rural Generalist Medicine in Healthcare Systems : Why and How?

PowerPoint presentation slides


Professor Roger Strasser is a leader in the global reform of health professional education. Recognizing the importance of context and community in medical education and research, Professor Strasser has gained an international reputation for developing and refining novel strategies to train health professionals in and for rural communities. As a result of his formative work in his field, Professor Strasser has become one of the world’s foremost authorities in rural, socially accountable medical education, as well as a sought-after speaker and advisor. Prior to moving to Northern Ontario in 2002 with his wife of over 30 years, Professor Sarah Strasser, and their five children, Roger Strasser was Professor of Rural Health and Head of the Monash University School of Rural Health in Australia and had an international role with the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) as Chair of the Working Party on Rural Practice from 1992-2004.