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Facilitated Panel session : Educational infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps? | Facilitator : Dr Jeff Ayton .

Friday, October 20, 2017
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Telehealth is seen by ACRRM as an essential component of effective rural and remote practice and fit for purpose implementation is a duty of care requirement of Registrars and Fellows. This session will look at the range of strategies implemented to facilitate the uptake of telehealth services and examine their reach, efficacy and opportunities for improvement for the benefit of patient equity to accessing health care. (60 mins)


Dr Jeff Ayton
Chief Medical Officer
Australian Antarctic Division

Facilitator : Educational, infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps?


PowerPoint presentation slides


Dr Jeff Ayton GP : MBBS MPH&TM FACRRM FRACGP FACTM AFFTM DRANZCOG DA (UK) Jeff served as ACRRM President from 2009-2011 and is the Chair of ACRRM’s national Telehealth Advisory Committee. He holds board membership for General Practice Training Tasmania and is the Australian delegate to Scientific Committee of Antarctic Research Life Sciences Scientific Group. He commenced with the Australian Antarctic Division as Chief Medical Officer in 2002 with responsibility for the Australian Antarctic Program medical support and human biology and medicine research. In 1992, Jeff wintered at Casey Station, Antarctica, as a remote area general practitioner. He has subsequently gained varied experience in other rural and remote medical practices as a procedural general practitioner obstetrician and anaesthetist including Lorne Victoria, Norfolk Island, and remote mine sites in Papua New Guinea. Jeff is a member of the new (digital health agency) Australian Telehealth Integration Program.
Ms Susan Jury
Telehealth Program Manager
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

Panel : Educational infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps?


Susan’s primary telehealth experience has been the introduction of organisation-wide integrated telehealth-to-consumer access in large metropolitan hospitals, specifically at the Royal Children's Hospital (Melbourne) – which included the introduction of an Electronic Medical Record – and currently at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Susan has also delivered several additional telehealth consultancy services including to the ANF, APNA and others. She presents regularly, has published and is a member of the National Telehealth Working Group, providing recommendations to the National Health CIO Forum on telehealth strategy, Australasian Telehealth Society and the newly formed ATIP – Australian Telehealth Integration Program. Susan is an NZ, HK and US Registered Nurse, with a Master of Public Health degree and Graduate Certificate in eHealthcare. She has worked in New Zealand, Hong Kong, China and Australia in various clinical and non-clinical roles.
Alice King
Telehealth Coordinator
Barwon South West

Panel : Educational infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps?


Alice King BSc(Hons), MSc, GradDipEdit & Publ, BNurs. Alice is the Barwon South West Telehealth Coordinator and manages and supports telehealth innovation and implementation across 16 health services in the Barwon South West region. She has a background in nursing and person-centred care, as well as extensive experience in project management and support for the implementation of innovations in practice, using appropriate technology, in both the health and education sectors. Prior to working at Barwon Health, Alice worked for more than 10 years at Deakin University in educational design and development, including managing the implementation of new online learning systems. She worked as Managing Editor at Blackwell Science managing a growing list of health and science journals, and introducing electronic editing systems into the publishing process.
Mr Paul Macdonald
Manager System Integration
Gippsland PHN

Panel : Educational infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps?


Paul MacDonald, Manager System Integration, Gippsland PHN. Previously Regional Health Information Management Officer General Practice Victoria, and eHealth Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement Manager South Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local.
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Dr Ewen McPhee

Panel : Educational infrastructure and policy parameters required to support quality use of telehealth in rural and remote Australia : Where are the gaps?


Dr Ewen McPhee MBBS (Hons), FRACGP, FACRRM, DRANZCOG (Adv) Dr Ewen McPhee is a Rural Family Doctor and GP Obstetrician, resident in Emerald Central Queensland since 1989. Dr McPhee is a Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine and has had recent involvement in government health policy through membership of the Primary Health Care Advisory Group and the eHealth Implementation Taskforce. He is the current President of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia.