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Keynote Speaker | Prof Bart Currie

Saturday, October 26, 2024
1:09 PM - 1:56 PM


Agenda Item Image
Prof Bart Currie
Royal Darwin Hospital

Micro- and Macro- Pathogens in the Tropical North

Abstract Overview

History of travel, occupational or recreational exposure, social and family circumstances comes first.
Clinical observation comes second, even if you cant take your eyes off that rash.
Does pattern recognition make for a clear diagnosis, or is there still a broad differential diagnosis.
What resources may help in both diagnosis and treatment? How about AI?
Is what you see in the Tropical Health Orientation Manual?


Professor Bart Currie is an infectious diseases and public health physician at Royal Darwin Hospital, Northern Territory Australia and Professor in Medicine at the Northern Territory Medical Program. He leads the Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases team at Menzies School of Health Research. He began both the Darwin Prospective Melioidosis Study and the Darwin Prospective Snakebite Study 34 years ago.