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Engaging rural generalists through excellent training environments

Auditorium - Plenary
Thursday, October 24, 2024
2:10 PM - 3:15 PM


Stream: Supervisors


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Dr Samia Toukhsati
Director - Reseach And Policy
General Practice Supervision Australia

Engaging rural generalists through excellent training environments

Abstract Overview

High quality training experiences are a key factor for attracting future rural doctors to a career as a rural generalist and ensuring they are optimally supported to be skilled and practice-ready. While the process for accreditation ensures that training practices meet minimum College standards, it provides limited guidance for those striving ‘excellence’ in the quality of the training environment.
This workshop will provide an opportunity to explore the useability of a new tool, related to the GP Clinical Learning Environment framework (GPCLE), to assess, monitor, and strive for excellent training quality in rural and remote training settings. Workshop facilitators will initially present a summary of the GPCLE framework and GPCLE tool. They will then guide small group discussions of the perceived benefits, barriers, and enablers of the GPCLE tool as a means of supporting and showcasing excellent quality learning environments in rural training settings. Large group discussions will consider the implications for using the GPCLE tool in rural and remote training practices to inform the translation of the GPCLE tool into everyday use. This body of work has important implications for growing a distributed and skilled rural generalist workforce for Australia.


A/Prof Samia Toukhsati is the Director of Research and Policy at General Practice Supervision Australia, leading projects that inform the development of evidence-based education, resources, policy, and advocacy, towards improving the quality of training experiences and outcomes for supervisors, practice teams and learners across Australia. Samia’s work has been recognised by over 50 publications and through her success in attracting research funding and awards/scholarships, which include two Australian Government Fellowships, an Australian Academy of Science Fellowship, and two RACGP ERG grants. She holds honorary positions at Austin Health, the University of Melbourne, Monash University, and Federation University.
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Dr Simon Morgan
Education Manager
General Practice Supervision Australia



Dr Simon Morgan is a GP and medical educator based in Newcastle, NSW. He is the Education Manager for General Practice Supervision Australia (GPSA), and has a medical education role with the RACGP.