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Introduction to Ear Wax Management using Micro Suction Workshop

Meeting Room 2
Friday, October 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:05 AM
Meeting Room 2


Agenda Item Image
Mr Chris Harris
Clinical Educator
Vorotek/Clear Ears

Introduction to Ear Wax Management using Micro Suction Workshop

Abstract Overview

Ear wax removal is a common procedure performed by many General Practitioners and Nurse Practitioners who have historically performed a “wet” method such as syringing or flushing the ear. Nowadays, the preferred ear wax removal method used and recommended by ENT Specialists and Audiologists is manual removal using Micro-suction or Curettage techniques, under the direct vision of a VorOtek O Scope as it is viewed as a safer and more effective technique.
This hands-on workshop explores problematic ear wax build up and presentations for caution whilst introducing correct Micro Suction and Curettage instrumentation to enable safe, simple and effective wax removal whilst using the VorOtek O Scope.
The VorOtek O scope's unique optical pathway converges the user’s eyes to 12mm, whilst illuminating and magnifying the ear canal and tympanic membrane. This allows the Practitioner to achieve excellent and essential depth perception in the ear canal, enabling instrumentation with greater accuracy.


Clinical Educator Chris Harris has been working as an Aural Care Nurse with Clear Ears for nearly 10 years, specializing in wax management, foreign body removal and Otitis External management. He works closely with GP's and trained as an Aural Care Nurse through Melbourne University Audiology Department in conjunction with Clear Ears. Chris has had extensive experience locally and abroad, including assisting the Starkey Hearing Foundation on several missions in Vietnam, Malaysia and Philippines where he treated up to 120 patients per day. Chris is also a senior Anaesthetic and Post Anaesthetic Care Nurse, working as a Clinical Nurse Specialist at Cabrini Health in Melbourne. He has been nursing for over 25 years and has always had a passion for teaching. Chris will be supported by a VorOtek representative to present this workshop.