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Cultural Connection for GP and RG Trainees Enhances Fellowship Success

Meeting Room 3
Thursday, October 24, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Meeting Room 3


Stream: BUILD UP CULTURAL COMPETENCE: Strengthening Rural Healthcare through Inclusive Practices


Dr Olivia O'Donoghue
Lead Medical Educator
Indigenous General Practice Trainee Network (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation)

Cultural Connection for GP and RG Trainees Enhances Fellowship Success.

Abstract Overview

IGPTN is a National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governed and run network for GP/RG trainees in Australia. Recently incorporated as a fully independent organisation IGPTNs goals are to provide collegiate and culturally safe support and mentoring, cultivate common goals for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes, achieve training and workforce equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GP/RGs.
IGPTN provides trainees opportunities to connect with each other and culture through shared experiences, building strength and resilience throughout training which has led to increased quantity and quality of positive training experiences and outcomes.
IGPTN hosts biannual workshops across Australia, bringing mob together for education, assessment preparation, practice exams, cultural experiences, resilience building, social and connection activities. IGPTN provides online study/exam preparation groups facilitated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander GP/RG Fellows.
IGPTN collaborates with ACRRM and RACGP, to deliver current, high quality and reliable training information. IGPTN advocates our trainees with key stakeholders including colleges and government.
Our success is evident in the strong community of learning and support created nationally, the integrated mentorship and relationships. Measures include increased exam success and higher academic achievement of our trainees, increasing Fellowship rates and positive evaluation results from our activities.


Dr Olivia O’Donoghue is descendant of the Yankunytjatjara and the Narungga Nations peoples. Olivia gained Fellowship with RACGP in 2012 and has worked in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health in the Northern Territory, urban and remote. Olivia has extensive Medical and Cultural Educator experience. Olivia works as the lead Medical Educator for the Indigenous GP Trainee Network (IGPTN), supporting and mentoring Indigenous GP in training and continue to do this important work. Olivia was the first Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Torres Strait Islander Censor for the RACGP Faculty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health from 2020 to 2023 and has now transitioned to be the first National Clinical Head of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Torres Strait Islander Training for the RACGP.