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Looking after rural GPs: a new approach by doctors for doctors

Meeting Room 3
Friday, October 25, 2024
3:45 PM - 4:50 PM
Meeting Room 3


Stream: BUILD UP RESILIENCE: Strategies for Building Thriving Rural Communities


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Dr John Douyere
Medical Director
Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway

Looking after rural GPs: a new approach by doctors for doctors

Abstract Overview

Rural Doctors Foundation provides GPs4RuralDocs, an innovative program for healthcare workers. The pilot program is running in rural Queensland, with the aim of rolling out the program across rural Australia.

It is a GP service offered to rural doctors, nurses and allied health practitioners. The service is provided by our team of doctors who understand rural practice and are trained in doctor-to-doctor care and mental health.

This presentation will be delivered by our Treating GP, Dr John Douyere and our CEO, Fran Avon, with the aim of sharing the story of this innovative new program and the positive impact it is having on Australia’s rural health workforce.

The presentation will report on the outcomes of the clinics delivered in areas across rural Queensland. It will include both qualitative and quantitative data to demonstrate the impact of the program on the wellbeing and retention of health workers in rural communities.

Attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on their own healthcare needs as rural doctors, learn the practical process of running a program like this and find out how to get involved.


Dr John Douyere is the first treating GP for the Rural Doctors Foundation GPs4RuralDocs program. He travels regularly to Charleville, Cunnamulla and Quilpie to provide GP services to rural health practitioners. He is also the Medical Director at the Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway. John’s passion for rural health goes right back, having spent over 23 years working in Longreach as a rural generalist with obstetric and anaesthetic advanced skills. As well as his advanced skills, John has an interest in skin cancer surgery, medical education and IT applications in rural practice. John is a PC StAMPS examiner for ACRRM and a previous board member of Tropical Medical Training and Central West Hospital and Health Service. John is a strong believer in the importance of good general practice primary care services and innovative workforce models suited to individual communities.
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Mrs Fran Avon
Chief Executive Officer
Rural Doctors Foundation



Fran has close to twenty year’s experience years working for non-profit community service organisations. She is an incredibly experienced CEO, fundraiser, and marketer. For Fran, it was an easy decision to join a much needed and respected organisation. She is inspired by the commitment, compassion and resilience of those who live and work in our rural communities. Fran’s vision is to help those living remotely enjoy a a long and healthy life. Fran spent 12 years at Wesley Mission in Sydney, as General Manager for Community Engagement and Property and Executive Manager, Marketing, Fundraising and Volunteering. Fran’s passion for remote communities was ignited having spent two years in the Northern Territory. She was the CEO for St Vincent de Paul Society in the Northern Territory. Fran has also worked as a Marketing Manager in the Publishing, Telecommunications and Technology sectors. She spent many years working in a consultancy capacity for a major marketing agency in business transformation, change management and marketing.