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Punch it, Cut it , Send it, discussion of complex skin cancers

Meeting Room 3
Friday, October 25, 2024
8:30 AM - 10:05 AM
Meeting Room 3


Agenda Item Image
Dr Angus Brown
Rural Generalist - Surgery
Scone Hospital

Punch it, Cut it , Send it, discussion of complex skin cancers

Abstract Overview

Skin cancer treatment makes up a significant portion of the surgical procedures performed by Rural Generalists. Not only do cases often present at later stages of the disease, but various factors such as distance, co-morbidities, and patient preferences mean RGs frequently handle complex skin cases – sometimes above their level of comfort. Often these cases in an urban environment would typically be managed by a specialist surgeon.

The primary aim of each interaction with a patient, whether dealing with a complex or non-complex skin cancer, is to achieve a cancer-free outcome with a good prognosis and satisfactory cosmetic result. This objective is accomplished through careful planning, patient selection, and thorough pre-procedure consultation.

This case series will guide you through clinical cases involving presenting lesions, operative planning, and subsequent results, both cosmetic and histological. Discussions will encompass initial assessment, clinical diagnosis, operative planning, patient selection, and pre-procedure and post-operative outcomes.

At times, patients may place rural generalists in uncomfortable situations by having unrealistic expectations of local services. However, it's imperative for rural generalists to ensure they can fulfil their commitments if they decide to proceed with surgery. This case series will discuss complex cosmetic repairs using skin flaps and skin grafts.


Dr Angus Brown is a Rural Generalist with advanced skills in Surgery and Endoscopy. For the last decade has worked and training in regional and rural New South Wales, where he completed his ACRRM Fellowship in 2021. Dr Brown works as a Rural Generalist at Scone and Parkes Hospital, where he performs a wide range of surgical and endoscopic procedures. He also provides Emergency Department coverage and, when feasible, primary care at Scone Medical Practice. He is also a Rural Director of Training for the NSW Rural Generalist Program. Dr Brown is an internationally published researcher and has an ongoing interest in research, regularly sharing his insights at national and international conferences. He is also committed to mentoring health practitioners of all levels, providing invaluable guidance and support.