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Presidents' Breakfast | Sponsored by Department of Health and Aged Care

Friday, October 25, 2024
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM
Exhibition Hall 3


Secure your spot for the popular Presidents' Breakfast, featuring a panel of experts and Presidents who will delve into a range of current and topical health matters, key advocacy and policy topics in an interactive Q&A format. Don't miss out on the chance to hear from some of the industry's most influential voices and engage in insightful discussions. This exclusive event is in high demand and sells out every year, so make sure to secure your spot during registration. PLEASE NOTE: This is a ticketed event which will be noted on your name badge. Tickets can be purchased within the registration portal.


Over the past 12-18 months, reviews of various elements of our primary care system have continued, following on from the Strengthening Medicare Taskforce. Final reports and recommendations will be a hot topic and at this year’s President’s Breakfast we will discuss some of the key reviews, and explore the impact on rural general practice and rural generalist medicine. Is it a bright future ahead or will it be more of the same, with a little lemon twist? PANEL: - Dr RT Lewandowski RDAA President - Dr Dan Halliday ACRRM President (in his final job as ACRRM President) - Prof Sabina Knight Co-lead GP Incentives Review - Prof Mark Cormack Lead Scope of Practice Review - Mark Roddam First Assistant Secretary Primary Care Division Department of Health


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Prof Mark Cormack
Review Lead
Scope of Practice Review



Professor Mark Cormack was appointed to the Australian National University (ANU) College of Health and Medicine in 2020, following a long career in the Commonwealth, Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and New South Wales (NSW) Government services. His professional background covers early work as an allied health professional, and health services manager. Mark hasserved as a Chief Executive (ACT Health ; Health Workforce Australia) and Deputy Secretary (Commonwealth Departments of Health, Veterans’ Affairs and Home Affairs) and has had portfolio responsibilities covering a wide spectrum of public policy. In national health policy these included mental health, health financing, primary health care, workforce, public hospitals, health technology assessment, research, and health provider compliance. As Deputy Secretary Australian Department of Health he managed intergovernmental relations at the Commonwealth, State, and Territory levels, working on National Health Reform Agreements and numerous National Partnership Agreements. In the area of national program delivery, his work spanned Medicare, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, National Blood Supply, Primary Health Networks, Public Hospitals, Private Health Insurance, and the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). In the area of national health workforce, he led policy, planning, clinical training and workforce reform as the CEO of Health Workforce Australia. In international health, Mark was Australia’s delegate to the OECD Health Committee and WHO Western Pacific Region. He worked as Deputy Secretary in the area of border security, detention and visa compliance at the (then) Department of Immigration and Border Protection (now Home Affairs). He was also responsible for Australian Defence Force workers compensation, veterans’ policy and program delivery through the Department of Veterans Affairs. Mark, along with Associate Professor Ian Crettenden established the National Centre for Health Workforce Studies (NCHWS) at the ANU in 2022, and is currently undertaking a PhD at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, researching policy change through intergovernmental health financing agreements in Australia. Current appointments include • Independent Review Lead, Unleashing the Potential of our Health Professionals - Scope of Practice Review - 2023. (Appointed by Minister for Health and Aged Care) • Senior Adviser, National Centre for Health Workforce Studies, ANU • Non-Executive Director, Leukaemia Foundation of Australia • Associate Editor, Australian Health Review • Principal at MCA Consulting Mark’s areas of interest include public policy and administration; health system governance; health services program management, financing and delivery; health workforce and intergovernmental relations and agreements. Qualifications Master of Health Management, University of Wollongong, Bachelor of Applied Sciences, University of Sydney, Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
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Prof Sabina Knight
GP Insentive Review



Professor Sabina Knight AM is a Fellow of ACN, Rural Leadership Australia and CRANA. a career rural and remote health advocate and clinician she is the Director of the newly established JCU Central Queensland Centre for Rural and Remote Health in Emerald. Sabina has a background in remote area nursing, health workforce, policy and reform. She has held leadership roles in CRANA plus, the National Rural Health Alliance, Regional Woman’s Advisory Council and a range of advisory bodies. She served as Commissioner on the National Health and Hospital Health Reform Commission and recently was an Independent Reviewer for the Working Better for Medicare Review in thin markets. Sabina moved to Emerald following 11 years in Mount Isa leading the Murtupuni Centre for Rural and Remote Health. She has been recognised by her peers with 2 Aurora Awards, a Centenary Medal, the Ariotti Award, is a Member of the Order of Australia and last year was awarded QLD Life Sciences Woman of Influence Award.