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Thriving Rural Doctors in Healthy Rural Communities: Place-Based Solutions to Workforce Challenges

Meeting Room 2
Friday, October 25, 2024
3:45 PM - 4:50 PM
Meeting Room 2


Stream: BUILD UP RESILIENCE: Strategies for Building Thriving Rural Communities


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Prof Tarun Sen Gupta
James Cook University

Thriving Rural Doctors in Healthy Rural Communities: Place-Based Solutions to Workforce Challenges

Abstract Overview

A recent report from Medical Deans Australia and New Zealand offered a number of place-based solutions to medical workforce challenges in remote, rural and regional Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. The working group described these solutions under the following headings:
1. Increase Local Interest and Applications to Medical School
2. Increase Local Training Capacity
3. Support for Rurally Based Students and Doctors in Training
4. Pathfinding: Career Planning with the End in Mind
5. Multifaceted Careers for Rural Doctors
6. Thriving Rural Areas are Vital

This workshop will briefly summarise the Medical Deans’ document and ask participants to explore in small groups the implications and feasibility of these recommendations in their own context. Small groups will be asked to consider how these recommendations could be implemented locally and develop suggestions for high-level strategic approaches and policy changes.


Tarun Sen Gupta is Professor of Health Professional Education and Head of the Townsville Clinical School at the James Cook University College of Medicine and Dentistry, North Queensland, Australia. He was in rural practice in Richmond, north-west Queensland from 1987-1993, and has worked in rural medical education since 1993. He is a Rural Generalist Training Adviser for Queensland's Rural Generalist Pathway, a board member of the Rural Doctors Association of Queensland and the Rural Doctors Foundation, and Chair of the ACRRM Assessment Committee.
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Prof Lucie Walters
Adelaide Rural Clinical School



Lucie Walters, is Director of Adelaide Rural Clinical School and Chair of the FRAME Policy Group. Her experience in rural medical educational leadership spans across the continuum from vocational, and prevocational arenas to medical school longitudinal integrated clinical placements. She was instrumental in developing Australia's reputation for longitudinal integrated clerkships, making important early contributions to Flinders University, Otago University and University of Northern Ontario programs. Lucie has worked as a rural generalist in Mount Gambier since 1993 with clinical scope during this time covering: general practice, emergency medicine and inpatient care. She currently works in Aboriginal health at Pangula Mannamurna. With a PhD in medical education, Lucie recognises the importance in educational scholarship and context relevant rural clinical research. She has demonstrated research expertise in the fields of rural medicine, clinical courage, work-integrated learning, adult education pedagogies, rural training pathways and rural medical workforce. She is a past President of the Australian College or Rural and Remote Medicine and still serves on the Selection and Assessment Committees for the College.