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Building a model for effective rural learning conversations

Waterfront Room 2
Friday, October 25, 2024
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Waterfront Room 2


Stream: BUILD UP INNOVATION: Insights from Research Projects in Remote and Rural Communities


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A/Prof Brendan Carrigan
Medical Lead Year 3 Longlook Program
Rural Medical Education Australia

Building a model for effective rural learning conversations

Abstract Overview

Traditionally framed with models developed for handover, effective communication between medical supervisors and trainees regarding ongoing patient care is crucial for experiential learning. Handover frameworks, however, have not been validated for learning conversations where the trainee continues patient care.

This project aimed to describe current models for learning conversations, assess their application in rural medical training, and propose a framework for rural generalist-led training contexts.  Phase 1 involved a scoping review to identify educational models facilitating learning conversations. Phase 2 entailed a qualitative study analysing audio recordings of leaning conversations between medical supervisors and learners.

The review illuminated existing educational models including social learning theory and situated learning guide learning conversations in clinical practice. From phase 2 preliminary data analysis a conceptual framework of learning conversations was derived highlighting four components to the learning conversation: scene setting, exchange of clinical themes, looping back and resolution. This conceptualisation emphasises the dynamic and iterative nature of learning conversations for ongoing patient care, with looping back between action and discussion as needed.

This research has offered insights into effective communication strategies between medical supervisors and trainees in rural contexts. The developed framework will serve as a valuable resource for enhancing skill development.


Brendan Carrigan is an Associate Professor and Medical Lead of the Year 3 Griffith University Longlook program. As a Rural Generalist Obstetrician working across rural and regional southeast Queensland, A/Prof Carrigan has broad experience as a rural clinician. A/Prof Carrigan is a recognised medical leader, being elected as the Queensland Representative to the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine Council in 2020 and previously serving as the council chair. He has held other significant roles representing the rural health sector including membership of the Prevocational Medical Accreditation Queensland Accreditation Committee, National Clinical Evidence Taskforce Guideline Leadership Group and Living Evidence in Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Steering Committee. A/Prof Carrigan is passionate about delivering evidence based medical education in rural areas, previously awarded as the Queensland clinical educator of the year. He has broad research interests and has collaborated to deliver projects across rural medical education and clinical care.