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How to teach procedural skills

Auditorium - Plenary
Thursday, October 24, 2024
1:00 PM - 2:05 PM


Stream: Supervisors


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Dr Coralie Endean
Acrrm National Me Lead For Supervisor Support

How to teach procedural skills

Abstract Overview

George and Doto’s five-stage approach has been used by medical educators to teach a wide variety of clinical skills. However, modifications of this method arguably provides a more effective approach to teach multi-part psychomotor skills complex skills required for safe clinical procedural practice.

Five-stage approach
1. Conceptualisation
2. Visualisation
3. Verbalisation by the supervisor
4. Verbalisation by the learner
5. Practice

Modification of this approach includes.
• Breakdown of structural steps (with or without the use of simulation)
• Provision of immediate feedback
• Development of competency
• Determining competency
• Plan for deliberate practice.

This Workshop aims to assist supervisors (at all levels of training) to teach a multi-part psychomotor skill while simultaneously providing patient centered informed care and insuring patient safety.

Small group session utilising subject matter experts as demonstrators guiding supervisors in teaching a simulated skin excision


I am a procedural rural generalist with 20 years of experience with Queensland Health, 3 years with NSW health and 2 years in private practice. I hold advanced specialised rural generalist surgical skills through fellowship of ACRRM, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Emergency Medicine skills through rural generalist fellowships (FARGP and FARGP-RG), a DRANZCOG advanced and ACEM certificate. I also hold a fellowship (FRACGP) in general practice. I also hold a certificate and diploma in Academic Health Practice and work as a lead Medical Educator for Qld and National Medical Educator for Supervisor Support for the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine. I am involved in the development of industrial and professional standards. I have a personal interest in cultural change management and multidisciplinary integrated education in rural hospitals and practices tailored to service rural and remote communities.
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Ben Abbot
Supervisor Liaison Officer (SA)



Dr Abbot is an experienced and well-respected Rural Generalist who has provided high-quality supervision, education and support to registrars for many years. Since graduating in the first cohort of the ACRRM Fellowship Program, Dr Abbot has been a medical educator for both Adelaide to Outback GP (AOGP) and GPEx, and Supervisor Liaison Officer with AOGP. He was the point of contact regarding ACRRM training for both organisations with an extensive knowledge in ACRRM training requirements and exam preparation. His commitment to ACRRM extends to being a lead examiner and question writer for components of the ACRRM StAMPS examination.
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Dr James Best
Nsw Supervisor Liaison Officer



Dr Best has been a GP Supervisor since 2003 and a GP Supervisor Medical Educator since 2007. He works on the south coast of New South Wales and has a specific interest in paediatrics, particularly paediatric disability. In 2023, Dr Best took up a supervisor medical educator role and supervisor liaison officer role with ACRRM in ACT/NSW. He is passionate about supporting rural GP supervisors in their critically important roles but is also passionate about test cricket and his garden.
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Dr Sarah Chalmers
Immediate Past President and SLO



Dr Sarah Chalmers is a Rural Generalist and Medical Superintendent at the Joyce Palmer Health Service on Palm Island. Her Advanced Skills Training (AST) is in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. She is the Immediate Past President of ACRRM, and a board director of RDAA. Sarah is the Chair of ACRRMs Respectful Workplaces Committee, and a member of RDAA's Female Doctors Group. Her clinical and education expertise in remote health was developed over 15 years of living and working in East Arnhem land in the Northern Territory. She has held Academic positions with Flinders University, and more recently with James Cook University. Her clinical interests include remote practice, occupational health, mental wellness and First Nations healthcare. She has also worked at local, national and international level as a Rugby Union match doctor. In her spare time, Sarah has a tolerant family - husband Vola and 2 rowdy daughters.
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Dr Kaylee Davie



As the Supervisor Liaison Officer (SLO) in Tasmania, I am looking forward to supporting you as we deliver the ACRRM Fellowship program. The SLO is a conduit between the supervisor and ACRRM, helping to advocate for supervisors and supporting your professional development. I am a Rural Generalist with an interest in medical education, and have been working in the GP training space for the past 12 years. I’ve recently moved back to Tasmania, after a few years working in remote NT, where I had worked as a RG at the hospital, a GP, supervisor, and the Northern Territory SLO. I am based on the East Coast of Tasmania, where I am working at St Helens as a RG/supervisor, as well as some work as a medical educator with ACRRM. My main job though is raising my three beautiful children, who keep me on my toes! I enjoy supervision, education, and training, and I’m keen to make sure ACRRM registrars and supervisors get the support they need to have the best training experience possible.
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Dr Cherelle Fitzclarence



Dr Fitzclarence is a Rural Generalist and has worked rurally for the majority of her career. She has worked in the Northern Territory including for the Aerial Medical Service; Rural South Australia; the Kimberley; and the Pilbara. She has worked for in government health services, Aboriginal Health Services and privately. Her specific interests include lifestyle medicine, renal medicine, chronic disease, prison health and medical education.\ Dr Fitzclarence is currently working as a clinical administrator in the Pilbara and is extensively involved with the rural clinical school. She is an examiner for ACRRM.
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Dr Sue Harrison
Slo Victoria



Dr Sue Harrison has been a Rural Generalist/GPA in Echuca in Northern Victoria for almost 40 years. current clinical work is in the emergency department in Swan Hill and Echuca. Dr Harrison been involved in education and supervision, currently for the University of Melbourne, but also in practice supervision of interns and registrars and International Medical Graduates, including those on the Independent Pathway and through Remote Vocational Training Scheme. She has previously been a supervisor liaison officer for Beyond Medical Education and more recently has had a governance role with MCCC. She looks forward to working with Dr Peter Keppel and the Victorian ACRRM team to support practices and supervisors.
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Dr Dean Jones



Dr Jones brings with him experience in a variety of areas including General Practice, Podiatry and Emergency Medicine.
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Dr James Ware
Director Of Medical Services
Darling Downs HHS


