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Thriving- not just surviving your training

Meeting Room 4
Thursday, October 24, 2024
2:10 PM - 3:15 PM
Meeting Room 4


Stream: Rural Doctors in Training


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Dr Toni Smith
Registrar Committee

Thriving- not just surviving your training

Abstract Overview

Interactive Workshop to discuss and address some of the challenges faced in training, with a focus on the unique experience of rural and remote practice. Small group discussions with an aim to connect registrars to share experiences, solutions and insight.

Discussion points to include:
-Difficult placements/supervisors
-Isolation and lack of support
-Approaching assessments
-Work life balance
-Burn out
-Placing boundaries both professionally and personally
-Conflict management

Focus on building a supportive team both in and out of the workplace. Clear pathway of who to approach and what supports are available from the College. Foster connection with registrars across the country.


ACRRM Registrar Committee comprising of representatives across Australia. This team is currently spread across different points in our training with a wide variety of backgrounds and experience.
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Dr Belinda Washington
Acrrm Reg
Reg Com



Dr Belinda is a proud Malyangapa, Barkindji woman who started her journey with ACRRM in 2022. Dr Belinda's love of rural and remote health started many years before commencing with ACRRM. She started her career in health as an Aboriginal Health Worker which inspired her to pursue becoming a Registered Nurse working in south west Queensland for many years before entering the Northern Territory Medical Program graduating in 2017. Dr Belinda has been working in the NT and Northern QLD since and is currently completing her AST in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health. Dr Belinda is on the board of the Indigenous General Practice Trainee Network and has a passion in supporting Indigenous medical students and doctors in training. Dr Belinda plans to continue to work within Aboriginal Medical Services and travel the world with her daughters.