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‘Fun and games!’ – using games for teaching core general practice skills

Auditorium - Plenary
Thursday, October 24, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:10 PM


Stream: Supervisors


Agenda Item Image
Dr Simon Morgan
Education Manager
General Practice Supervision Australia

‘Fun and games!’ – using games for teaching core general practice skills

Abstract Overview

Training in the general practice setting aims to equip learners (registrars/rural generalists, prevocational doctors and medical students) with the knowledge and skills to practice safe, efficient, patient-centred primary care. Two core domains of GP training are consultation skills and clinical reasoning skills.

Gamification is a strategy for enhancing learner engagement by incorporating game elements into an educational environment. There is an emerging evidence base for the use of games in medical education.

This workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to engage with and reflect on the educational utility of two games designed to facilitate teaching and learning in consultation skill development and clinical reasoning in the general practice environment.

Workshop facilitators will initially present an overview of traditional consultation and clinical reasoning skill teaching. Participants will then play both games in small groups. The workshop will conclude by seeking feedback on the utility of the games and their role in training, particularly in a rural and remote context.

These games are an engaging and novel contribution to the toolbox of teaching and learning methods for GP supervisors and medical educators in Australia.


Dr Simon Morgan is a GP and medical educator based in Newcastle, NSW. He is the Education Manager for General Practice Supervision Australia (GPSA), and has a medical education role with the RACGP.